Backgammon is an ancient board game, traditionally played between two players with checkers and dice. With the online backgammon phenomenon, the dice throws are virtual and, therefore, impossible to cheat the results, making it a fair game. Still, the element of surprise and the importance of a winning strategy is not absent from online backgammon games. In our webpages, you can learn the basic rules of backgammon and also the best tips to make sure your checkers are out of the board first.

However long this game’s history dates back to, it is in essence a simple and fun game. Undoubtedly, Backgammon is a game of skill, but it’s still very easy to pick up. The internet revolution has helped many aspiring backgammon players by giving them user friendly tutorials and strategy guides and this has increased Backgammon’s popularity.

You could choose to either play it locally, on the internet, download special backgammon applications and play against the computer. A majority of the people know the set up of the game. It involves two players, a backgammon board in the centre and each player gets 15 chips. You must try and get the chips to the board, then onto your home board and into the winning pile finally. The winner of the game is the one who manages to clear the board of all his/her chips first.

The board where the game is played is divided into four quadrants. The quadrant that is closest to a player becomes that player’s home board. Once you move clockwise, you should see the backgammon board’s other half which is called the outer board. By moving clockwise further, the half that remains is the home board of your opponent’s. Also, 6 points is assigned to each quadrant and each quadrant has different spaces where you move onto.

Although each space can be one of two colors, the game of backgammon is not color dependent. That is, you can move your chip on any space in a quadrant irrespective of the color of the chip. To begin the game, the backgammon chips must be placed in proper spaces. The first point in the each player’s home board should have five pieces of the player’s.

Once you move clockwise, three pieces from the outer board are added to each player’s side. However, these pieces should be kept on the point that is away from the line and not on the point that is near it. A player then places 5 more pieces on the point that is the furthest from the center on the outer board’s other side. While moving clockwise, a play should place two chips in the home board of the opponents’ that is closest to their ‘out’ position.

A player can move their pieces only so many places as the dice that is rolled suggests. Each roll of the dice shows how many points a player is allowed to move their chips. For example, if you get a 3 and a 5, you are allowed to move your backgammon chips only 8 places. One chip can be moved 2 places, and the other chip can be moved six places or 4 places each etc.